Antarmuka Switch Arduino

13.34 Posted by Ali Mahfud , No comments
Antarmuka Switch Pada Arduino

1. Push Button

Source Code:
int ledPin = 13; // choose the pin for the LED
int switchPin = 2; // choose the input pin (for a pushbutton
int val = 0; // variable for reading the pin status
void setup() 
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // declare LED as output
  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); // declare pushbutton as input
void loop()
  val = digitalRead(switchPin); // read input value
  if (val == LOW) { // check if the input is LOW
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn LED OFF:
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn LED ON:

2. Swtich to Blink or Fade
Source Code:
Blink or fade switch
Choose between Blink or Fade the LED connected to digital
pin 9, when pressing a pushbutton attached to pin 2.
The circuit:
* LED attached from pin 9 to ground
* pushbutton attached to pin 2 from +5V
* 10K resistor attached to pin 2 from ground
int ledPin = 9; // choose the pin for the LED
int switchPin = 2; // choose the input pin (for a pushbutton
int val = 0; // variable for reading the pin status
int fadeval = 0;
void setup()
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // declare LED as output
  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); // declare pushbutton as input
void loop()
  val = digitalRead(switchPin); // read input value
  if (val == HIGH) { // pushed button means do blinking
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn LED OFF:
    digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); //turn LED ON:
  { // else button isn't pressed so do fading
    for(fadeval = 0 ; fadeval <= 255 ; fadeval +=5) { // fade in
    analogWrite(ledPin, fadeval); // sets the value
    for(fadeval = 255; fadeval >= 0 ; fadeval -=5) { // fade out
    analogWrite(ledPin, fadeval);
3. Toggle
Source Code:
// Toggle switch
/* The circuit:
* LED attached from pin 13 to ground
* pushbutton attached to pin 8 from +5V
* 10K resistor attached to pin 8 from ground
int switchPin = 8;
int ledPin = 13;
boolean lastButton = LOW;
boolean ledOn = false;
void setup()
  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
  if (digitalRead(switchPin) == HIGH && lastButton == LOW)
    ledOn = !ledOn;
    lastButton = HIGH;
    lastButton = digitalRead(switchPin);
  digitalWrite(ledPin, ledOn);

4. PWM Switch

Source Code:
// PWM Switch (with debounce)
int switchPin = 8;
int ledPin = 3;
boolean lastButton = LOW;
boolean currentButton = LOW;
int ledLevel = 0;
void setup()
  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
boolean debounce(boolean last)
  boolean current = digitalRead(switchPin);
  if (last != current)
  current = digitalRead(switchPin);
return current;
void loop()
  currentButton = debounce(lastButton);
  if (lastButton == LOW && currentButton == HIGH)
    ledLevel = ledLevel + 51;
  lastButton = currentButton;
  if (ledLevel > 255) ledLevel = 0;
  analogWrite(ledPin, ledLevel);

5. Interactive Traffic Lights

Source Code:
// Interactive Traffic Lights
int carRed = 12; // assign the car lights
int carYellow = 11;
int carGreen = 10;
int pedRed = 9; // assign the pedestrian lights
int pedGreen = 8;
int button = 2; // button pin
int crossTime = 5000; // time allowed to cross
unsigned long changeTime; // time since button pressed
void setup() 
  pinMode(carRed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(carYellow, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(carGreen, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pedRed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pedGreen, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(button, INPUT); // button on pin 2
  digitalWrite(carGreen, HIGH); // turn on the green light
  digitalWrite(pedRed, HIGH);
void loop() 
  int state = digitalRead(button);
  // check if button is pressed and it is over 5s since last button press
  if (state == HIGH && (millis() - changeTime) > 5000) {
    changeLights(); // Call the function to change the lights
void changeLights()
  digitalWrite(carGreen, LOW); // green off
  digitalWrite(carYellow, HIGH); // yellow on
  delay(2000); // wait 2 seconds
  digitalWrite(carYellow, LOW); // yellow off
  digitalWrite(carRed, HIGH); // red on
  delay(1000); // wait 1 second till its safe
  digitalWrite(pedRed, LOW); // ped red off
  digitalWrite(pedGreen, HIGH); // ped green on
  delay(crossTime); // wait for preset time period
                    // flash the ped green
  for (int x=0; x<10; x++)
    digitalWrite(pedGreen, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(pedGreen, LOW);
  // turn ped red on
  digitalWrite(pedRed, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(carYellow, HIGH); // yellow on
  digitalWrite(carRed, LOW); // red off
  digitalWrite(carGreen, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(carYellow, LOW); // yellow off
  changeTime = millis(); // record the time since last change of
                        // lights

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